GreenCo Rating System
Welcome to GreenCo Rating System

How Green is your company ?

Pursuing "Green" has become the new driver for companies on the quest towards growth, competitiveness and global excellence. With number of businesses going green on the rise and several initiatives on different areas evokes a spark in an individual's mind on "How Green is the Company". A clear holistic mechanism is presently not available for evaluating the performance of companies on the ecological front.

Fee Structure
Manufacturing Companies

The fee for GreenCo certification is uniformly followed for all companies based on the turnover of plant/facility applying for the rating as given below:

(Based on the Turnover of the unit in Rs Cr)
Fee Small Medium Medium Large Large Very Large
  Below 100 Cr 101-250 Cr 251 - 500 Cr 501-1000 Cr Above 1000 Cr
Registration Fee 125000 200000 250000 300000 400000
Assessment & Certification Fee 125000 200000 250000 300000 400000
Total Fee Rs. 250000 400000 500000 600000 800000

Service Sector companies

The fee is based on size of the facility applying for the rating as given below:

Size of Facility In Lakhs Sq ft Registration Fee (Rs Lakhs) Assessment & Certification Fee Rs Lakhs) Total (Rs Lakhs)
1 - 5 1.8 1.8 3.6
>5 - 10 2.25 2.25 4.5
>10 3 3 6

Please Note:
  • Fee indicated above is exclusive of GST. Payable as per latest prevailing government regulations
  • Fee includes professional charges for GreenCo Rating training, handholding, assessment and certification
  • Travel, accommodation & other incidental expenses for all site visits are additional and have to be arranged or reimbursed by the company based on the actual bill Submission by CII
  • Advance amount i.e. 50 % of fee paid towards GreenCo Rating is non-refundable

Travel & Incidental expenses
Company has to arrange / reimburse the following expenses, which will be billed separately based on actuals, upon completion of the site visits.
  • Reimbursement of to and fro flight fare to the nearest city and travel expenses for CII Professionals and External assessors for all site visits.
  • Local transport arrangements, Boarding & loading arrangements for visiting CII professionals & External assessors during the site visits.
  • Reimbursement of incidental expenses incurred by CII professionals & External assessors during all site visits.

GST & Other Taxes
  • GST will be payable as per latest government regulations.
  • At present 18 % GST is applicable for calculation. However, taxes will be payable as per the prevailing rate at the time of payment.
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