About the program

Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board (RSPCB) and Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), will jointly promote Green industries in Rajasthan through the use of GreenCo Rating, as a voluntary tool for enhancing the environmental performance of Industries in the state. The program is aimed at creating a green industry landscape in Rajasthan, where industries voluntarily will perform better than the prescribed regulatory norms and set higher goal for improvement as well as get suitably rewarded and motivated for better results. It is a unique initiative promoted by RSPCB with an incentive scheme for the GreenCo rated companies in Rajasthan
Industries are encouraged to participate in the GreenCo Rating system on voluntary basis.
The GreenCo rating system will evaluate the participating entities at facility level, based on their environmental performance, compliance of the prescribed regulatory norms and whether the entities have made efforts to perform better than the prescribed standards. Besides the above, parameters such as efficiency in terms of use of natural resources such as energy, water etc., share of renewable energy in the overall energy mix, performance of the industries on social front in CSR, development work in the local communities etc. will also be important part of the rating system for holistic evaluation of the overall environmental performance
About GreenCo Rating system:
GreenCo Rating is the "first of its kind in the World" holistic framework that evaluates companies on the environmental friendliness of their activities using life cycle approach. Implementation of GreenCo rating provides leadership and guidance to companies on how to make products, services and operations greener. Industry personnel are trained on the latest Green concepts and facilitated for implementing better systems and implementing global best practices. The rating system was developed after extensive stakeholder consultation with the involvement of 120 experts from various sectors. Till date over 700 companies in India are working on GreenCo rating of which 335 units are rated that includes several leading private sector companies, PSUs and SMEs. GreenCo rated companies have reported a savings of Rs. 2472 Crores annual recurring saving over and above the environmental benefits. The Green Company Rating System advocates a performance-based approach. The rating system evaluates green features of a facility against the following performance parameters:
S No | GreenCo Parameter | Maximun Points |
1 | Energy Efficiency | 150 |
2 | Water Conservation | 100 |
3 | Renewable energy | 100 |
4 | Green House Gas mitigation | 100 |
5 | Waste management | 100 |
6 | Material Conservation, Recycling and Recyclability | 100 |
7 | Green Supply Chain | 100 |
8 | Product Stewardship & Life Cycle Aspects | 125 |
9 | Innovation for Environment | 50 |
10 | Green Infrastructure and Ecology | 75 |
Total Points | 1000 |

Please note:The guidelines are fine tuned to certain sectors, based on the applicability.

Who Can Participate:
Eligibility Criteria:
Manufacturing Industries and selected Service sector facilities fulfilling the minimum eligibility criteria can participate in the rating program.
Units / facility / set up which is in operation for a minimum period of 3 years is eligible to apply for the rating. In the case of new unit / plant / set up, a minimum of 2 years of operational data is required.
Existing Set ups: min 3 years operation
New Set ups: min 2 years operation
* Agro Based Industry
* Automobile & Auto Components
* Basic Drugs & Pharmaceuticals
* Breweries
* Cement grinding
* Cement
* Ceramics
* Chemical Manufacturing Units
* Coal fired Power Plants
* Dairy processing
* Engineering
* Farm based Industry
* Fertilizers
* Food Processing
* Gems & Jewellery
* Railway Stations*
* Railway Workshops & Production units
* Leather
* Mineral Processing
* Non Ferrous metals
* Oil & Gas
* Petroleum
* Steel
* Textile
* Tyre
* Airports
Implementation of the GreenCo rating will facilitate entities to achieve multiple benefits in saving natural resources, reduce pollution, and achieve cost benefits. It will also provide entities a credible recognition for enhanced green performance.
RSPCB will encourage the industries participating in the GreenCo rating system and will provide incentives and recognition to the GreenCo rated units / facilities
Incentives by RSPCB
Implementation of the GreenCo rating will facilitate entities to achieve multiple benefits in saving natural resources, reduce pollution, and achieve cost benefits. It will also provide entities a credible recognition for enhanced green performance.
RSPCB will encourage the industries participating in the GreenCo rating system and will provide incentives and recognition to the GreenCo rated units / facilities as given below
Reduction in the consent fee and extension in consent period: Units securing rating in Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum categories will be provided reduction in the consent fee, provided that no non-compliance is reported within the consented period.
Auto renewal of consent for Green rated companies: The consent of the green rated units will be extended one year with auto renewal; provided no noncompliance is reported during the consent period
Incentives for GreenCo rated companies
Annual Recognition for best three units: Best three green rated units under each category will be given annual awards; Swarna Patra, Rajat Patra and Tamra patra respectively at a state level function to be organised by the State Board and the State government.
Use of Green Rating Logo by the unit: The GreenCo rated companies will be permitted to use the GreenCo rating logo for promotion of their products/services or any other use. However, the units will inform the State Board and CII about the use of the logo.
Exclusive mention of GreenCo Rated Companies in the websites of RSPCB and CII: The Board and CII will prominently feature all the GreenCo rated companies, with their unique features in their websites to provide them publicity and recognition.
Implementation Process
CII will provide and implement the necessary facilities for the administration and operation of the program. The activities of CII will include enrolment of the companies, training and handholding, review of data and documents as submitted by companies, conducting final assessment, award of plaque and certificates, preparation of feedback report and conducting annual sustenance reviews to the GreenCo rated companies. -The final assessment will be conducted by independent Assessors, who are accredited by Assessment panel.

Industry participants can enroll for GreenCo Rating through the following Login (or)
Fill up the Enrollment form and send it through email greenco.gbc@cii.in / a.sowjanya@cii.in
Click here to download Enrollment Form
Standard fee as applicable for GreenCo rating will be applicable for industries based on the turnover of the facility.
Special discount of 10% for plants which are applying from Rajasthan
For fee details kindly refer the program document click here
For any support or clarifications Please write to email: greenco.gbc@cii.in / a.sowjanya@cii.in
1.GreenCo rating Guideline document; version 3 2018 www.greenco.in/referenceguides.php
2.More details can be obtained from our website www.greenco.in or http://environment.rajasthan.gov.in/
For more details, Please contact us
Chief Environmental Engineer
Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board
4, Jhalana Institutional Area
Jhalana Doongri,
Jaipur (Rajasthan) 302004
Email: singhalvijai@gmail.com
Phone: 0141-5159612, 5159655
Website: http://environment.rajasthan.gov.in
Principal Counsellor
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)
CII-Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre
Survey No 64, Kothaguda Post
Near HITEC City,
Hyderabad - 500 084
Email: n.muthu@cii.in
Tel: +91-40-44185 157
Mobile: +91 - 9849909680
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)
CII-Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre
Survey No 64, Kothaguda Post
Near HITEC City,
Hyderabad - 500 084
Email: a.sowjanya@cii.in
Tel: 040 441815140 / 040 44185139
Mobile: +91-98852-54516
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)
CII-Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre
3, Shivaji Nagar Civil Lines
Jaipur - 302004
Email: shivraj.dhaka@cii.in
Mobile: +91 - 9177577288
Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board (RPCB) is a body constituted under section 4 of the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974. It was first constituted with the objectives of prevention and control of water pollution; later, it was also entrusted with the responsibilities of prevention, control and abatement of air pollution under the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981. Enactment of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 has further widened the scope of the activities of the RPCB. This Act is an umbrella legislation and different rules for addressing the problems of various sectors have been enacted under it. RPCB is engaged in implementation of the rules under EPA, 1986. RPCB has been taking up several initiatives to facilitate the environmental performance improvement of industries in Rajasthan.
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) is a leading non-government, not-for-profit, industry led and industry managed organization, playing a proactive role in India's development process. CII - Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre (CII – Godrej GBC) is one of the 9 Centres of Excellence of CII. The Centre sensitizes key stakeholders to embrace green practices. CII – Godrej GBC is supporting the Indian Industry to achieve world class performance level in the areas of energy management, green buildings, green companies, renewable energy, GHG inventorisation, green product certification, waste management and cleaner production processes